On Infinite Possibility-Unleashing our 5-year-old self
I’ve been thinking a lot about one of our core Feng Shui principles of Infinite Possibility lately, and how it seemed a very grandiose, ethereal, child-like ideology that maybe couldn’t be attained.
Last year, this concept alone was so ‘far out there’, that I could not believe it. That is, until I made the correlation between Intention and Infinite Possibility. You see, without a clear vision of what I wanted (my intention), how the heck could I manifest it into the possible? What did it look like? What did it sound like? What did it smell like? Most importantly, what did it FEEL like? I was not fully invested. Invested in the visceral-ness of the thing that I wanted. (That is where the magic happens.)
I had to sit with this. It was my Intention, quite frankly, to find out what my Intention really was. I had a lot of ideas about what I thought it was, however, I had to be able to feel it with my entire body, mind and spirit. Get giddy with the IDEA, the THING that I most wanted.
Well, how do you let go of all that old programming; your preconceived notions and negative self-talk, that you are not good enough, not smart enough, not deserving of the thing, or that you don’t have time to pursuit your ‘passion’, let alone make money at it? Oh, gee, that list can go on and on!
How do you get there?
Well for me, I needed to unleash my 5-year-old self. That little girl who believed that she was magic; that she could be a firefighter AND a teacher AND an artist and Mahalia Jackson too!
Believing in Infinite Possibility begins with the knowing that everything is possible. We just need to be clear on what it is that we want to go after (our intention) and feel it to the core of our bones, to the depth of our soul.
So, this week, think about what your Big Dreams are and how you can nurture your 5-year-old self into believing with all your heart, that your Big Dream(s) is/are indeed POSSIBLE and that you are deserving! Give yourself permission to dream again and do.the.thing.
Take that kiddo out to play, dream, discover and be silly. Have FUN! Run, skip to the park, find yourself a playground, go kick a ball around, color, finger paint….anything that gets you out of your big ‘ole grown-up analytical head, and into the wonder, AND possibility of what life has to offer you!
The world is your oyster, now go GET the sauce!
Peace, Love & Om.